Initially, the world was depicted in a 2D Atari-like style, but as of Version 1.2 released in May 2016, the world has been redesigned into that of a pre-rendered 3D style. Once new areas are revealed and a special button is pressed in them, the player can use 'jumping' to teleport between each area through an overworld map. The gameplay consists of exploring through the game world and accessing new areas. These tips frequently break the fourth wall due to Fredbear's seeming awareness of the situation he is placed in. Along the way, a character known as Fredbear will give the player tips on what to do next. As the player continues, they collect more characters to place in their party, with there being 40 characters available in total from across the first four games. The starter characters, the original and toy versions of the first main games characters, can all be swapped in and out of the party. The player starts by choosing two parties consisting of four characters each. The game also has two difficulty levels to choose from, Normal and Hard. The player has two modes to play in: Adventure and Fixed Party.